This is equivalent to SBM20

Tech. spec.:

·Radiation determine: beta ( > 0.25 MeV) ; gamma soft/hard
·Voltage of start of counting: 280 – 330 V ;
·Operating voltage (recommended): 360 – 440 V;
·Length of flat part of counting curve (plateau): 80 V
·Slope of the counting curve: < 0.12 %/V;
·Natural background: < 0.4 counts/s;
·Maximum radiation: 1*10E5 counts/min;
·Load resistance: > 8 MOhm
·Allowable stray input capacitance: 10 pF
·Working temperature range: -50…+70 C
·Weight: ~10 g.
·Dimensions: counter length 110mm, max.diameter 12mm