Today I’ve made a new order from The Rad Lab. This time I’ve found on it’s ebay store a stock of 20 LYSO crystals to be used as gamma scintillators with my new SiPM photomultiplier. I haven’t wrote anything about it? Ok… I’ve bought from Mouser this AFBR-S4N44C013 Broadcomm SiPM silicon photomultiplier tube and it needs some little scintillator crystal.

I’m planning to test it with LYSO from The Rad Lab. If it works well I’ll made a kickstarter campaign for an ultra small gamma

spectrometer based appon LYSO + SiPM with USB connection.
There’s no high voltage need by the SiPM! This means that I could design a very compact circuit. I’ve also bough an ZnS(Ag) scintillator disc to test my PMT and the new SiPM with it to try some alpha particle counting.