
MS-13 MC-13 glass tube

This tube is very hard to find. It’s compact size and it’s connection socket, similar to the car brake light bulb makes it the stangest tube I’ve ever seen.


There is very few information about it and it’s usage… it’s from the M-series of professional tubes so I could guess it was used in some kind of portable precision survey equipment.

MS-13 light bulb type base

It’s base looks very similar if not equal (I must try) as a car light bulb.

The tube and it’s datasheet

I don’t know russian so I just know how to recognize the most important parameters to make working the tube. I’ll appreciate more info’s about this tube, feel free to contact me at “l.i.papadopol at gmail.com”

-Working voltage 720-780V
-Plateau lenght 200V
-Plateau slope 0.15%
-Load resistance 8-15MOhm
-Working temperature -40° +50°
-Lenght 100mm diameter 21.5mm