Russian tubes

SI-22G CИ-22Г Geiger Muller tube

This tube is highly sensitive, similar to the STS-6, ideal to make a natural background monitoring equipment. It could be used also to make a personal dosimeter but it’s size is a limiting factor.

SI-22G tube

It’s characteristics:

  • Working Voltage: 360 – 440V
  • Initial Voltage: 285 – 335V
  • Recommended Operating Voltage: 400V
  • Plateau Length: 100V
  • Plateau Slope: 0.125% / 1V
  • Inherent counter background (cps): 1.16 Pulses/s
  • Cobalt-60 Pulse Gamma Sensitivity: 540 pulse/uR
  • Load Resistance: 9 – 13 MOhms
  • Working Temperature Range: -50 to +70С
  • Length: 220mm
  • Diameter: 19mm